Expand Service
Drive growth through new service concepts, preventive actions, service contracts, excellence centres, and smart upgrade offerings to enhance property efficiency and indoor quality.
Olle worked hard to find and promote modern, efficient, independent, open solutions. The concept behind Nordomatic was to provide customers with the option to switch providers if Nordomatic failed to meet their expectations.
While this may have seemed like an unconventional idea to some, the underlying reason behind this practice was that customers shouldn’t be limited to working with a provider because they had to. Instead, they would have partnerships with providers because they wanted to.
The concept of being open and independent meant that Nordomatic avoided binding customers to a prolonged relationship solely through licenses. Instead, Nordomatic aimed to form a long-term collaboration with customers built on trust, action, and value in our end-delivery products and offerings.
2010 was a time for Nordomatic to set the stage for an era marked by hypergrowth and internationalization.
Boosted by new owners and a forward-thinking management team, the company identified a strategic opportunity to expand its business into new areas, expand its offerings and push for innovation.
Over five years, Nordomatic successfully established a presence in numerous new areas across Sweden. Furthermore, a pivotal acquisition of Dominus A/S in 2016 catalyzed swift and profitable growth, driving Nordomatic’s reach to several critical areas in Denmark. Not long after, in 2017, the Norwegian expansion embarked with the Nordomatic entering Oslo, followed by expansion into additional metropolitan areas in Norway.
Throughout the decade, Nordomatic achieved an impressive average annual growth rate exceeding 20%, solidifying its position as a dynamic and expanding player in the industry. Thus, it followed a strategy to become a Global Impact Leader of Smart Buildings by 2025.
Nordomatic’s strategy of becoming an Impact leader entails aligning our solutions to fulfil the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. As an IMPACT company, we take measures to enhance environmental and social sustainability, intending to catalyze a transformation in the global Smart Buildings market.
Expand Service
Drive growth through new service concepts, preventive actions, service contracts, excellence centres, and smart upgrade offerings to enhance property efficiency and indoor quality.
Integration Project 2.0
Specialize in large and complex integration projects, focusing on risk reduction and enhancing customer quality and value in sectors like hospitals, sports arenas, and commercial properties.
Smart Cloud
Develop an industry-leading, open platform for interconnected smart assets in buildings, offering advanced digital services and Cloud-based BMS solutions.
Operational Excellence
Sustain phenomenal growth through continuous improvement in work procedures, methods, and systems, supported by the Nordomatic Academy to enhance employee training.
Strengthening its position in Europe, Nordomatic aims to bring its expertise to new markets by acquiring more companies and establishing a presence in emerging markets globally.
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