Project cases|Nationalmuseum – Stockholm, Sweden
Upgrade Project

Nationalmuseum – Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm Stad
20 000 m²
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In 2018, the Nationalmuseum re-opened its newly renovated museum in Sweden as an open space for tourists and locals to be presented with preserved and significant cultural heritage. Nordomatic was involved in upgrading the indoor climate in the museum to benefit the conditions for a modern, flexible, and developable museum.

Nordomatic installed a new BMS for the museum’s new climate system. The new climate system contributed to an even humidity and temperature throughout the building. This enabled Nationalmuseum to present a variety of art pieces from different eras and materials in every part of the museum. The Nordomatic solution also maximized the use of premises for the buildings’ public purposes. Further, it enabled the Nationalmuseum to meet the requirements of being an environmentally friendly and green museum for their staff and 200,000 yearly visitors.